Filled Style
These match the style of the built-in custom icon options on both Mac and iOS.
Airplane Alarm Clock App Archive Arrow Down Arrow Left Arrow Right Arrow Up Arrow Vertical Arrow Horizontal Arrow Clockwise Arrow C/C Baby Bottle Ball Battery (High) Battery (Medium) Battery (Low) Beaker Bicycle Birthday Cake Book Briefcase Broom Bug Calendar (Down) Calendar (Left) Calendar (Right) Calendar (Up) Calendar (Day) Calendar (Month) Calendar (Star) Camera Car Cat Chart (Bar) Chart (Line) Chart (Pie) Chat Checkmark Christmas Tree Clipboard Clock Coffee Compass Cup Desk Doc Scratch Dog Envelope Eye Face Mask Flag Flame Folder Folder (+) Folder (Star) Fork / Knife Fountain Pen Gift Grad Cap Guillotine Heart Helm Home iMac Inbox Inbox (Add) Inbox (In) Inbox (Out) Index Cards iPad iPhone iPhone X Laptop Light Bulb Lightning List List List List Lock Unlocked Mac Classic Map Medical Menorah Meteor Microphone Money Money ($) Money (€) Money (£) Money (¥) Mountains Music Mug Nearby Night Org Chart Paused Paper Air Pencil Person Group Perspective Play Power Projects Projects (Singles) Projects (Parallel) Projects (Sequential) Prohibited Radar Rain Repeating Rocket Ship Satellite Dish Search Shopping Shopping Skull Star Suitcase Sun Sunrise Sunset Tag Tag Tag (+) Tag (Star) Target Terminal Trophy Umbrella Video Game Warning Watch Waypoint Weights Wrench
Rounded Style
These match the style of the stock perspectives on iOS.
Airplane Alarm Clock App Archive Arrow Down Arrow Left Arrow Right Arrow Up Arrow Vertical Arrow Horizontal Arrow Clockwise Arrow C/C Baby Bottle Ball Battery (High) Battery (Medium) Battery (Low) Beaker Bicycle Birthday Cake Book Briefcase Broom Bug Calendar (Down) Calendar (Left) Calendar (Right) Calendar (Up) Calendar (Day) Calendar (Month) Calendar (Star) Camera Car Cat Chart (Bar) Chart (Line) Chart (Pie) Chat Checkmark Christmas Tree Clipboard Clock Coffee Compass Cup Desk Doc Scratch Dog Envelope Eye Face Mask Flag Flame Folder Folder (+) Folder (Star) Fork / Knife Fountain Pen Gift Grad Cap Guillotine Heart Helm Home iMac Inbox Inbox (Add) Inbox (In) Inbox (Out) Index Cards iPad iPhone iPhone X Laptop Light Bulb Lightning List List List List Lock Unlocked Mac Classic Map Medical Menorah Meteor Microphone Money Money ($) Money (€) Money (£) Money (¥) Mountains Music Mug Nearby Night Org Chart Paused Paper Air Pencil Person Group Perspective Play Power Projects Projects (Singles) Projects (Parallel) Projects (Sequential) Prohibited Radar Rain Repeating Rocket Ship Satellite Dish Search Shopping Shopping Skull Star Suitcase Sun Sunrise Sunset Tag Tag Tag (+) Tag (Star) Target Terminal Trophy Umbrella Video Game Warning Watch Waypoint Weights Wrench
OmniFocus 2 Icon Set
Please note, my previous set for OmniFocus 2 for Mac and iOS remains available here.
Mac Installation
- If you haven’t already, purchase the Pro upgrade. Pro is required to use custom perspectives.
- In the Menu, go to Perspectives > Show Perspectives
- Click on the Perspective you want to edit, or add a new one. (Note that you cannot change the icons for Inbox, Projects, Tags, Forecast, Flagged, or Review).
- Drag the icon you want to use from this site to the icon picker.
- If you would also like the text color to match the icon, click the arrow in the bottom right of the icon picker and make your choice.
iOS Installation
If you haven’t already, purchase the Pro upgrade. Pro is required to use custom perspectives.
Method 1
- Download the full icon set to a location you can access with the Files app. iCloud Drive is a good choice.
- Click on the Perspective you want to edit, or add a new one. (Note that you cannot change the icons for Inbox, Projects, Tags, Forecast, Flagged, Nearby, or Review).
- In the perspective editor, tap the icon next to the perspective name, scroll down and hit Custom.
- Navigate to the icon you want to use and select it.
- If you would also like the text color to match the icon, tap Color in the top right of the view, and make your choice.
Method 2
- On this site, choose the colors and icons you would like to use. To copy an icon to your clipboard, tap and hold the icon, and then choose Copy.
- Click on the Perspective you want to edit, or add a new one. (Note that you cannot change the icons for Inbox, Projects, Tags, Forecast, Flagged, Nearby, or Review).
- In the perspective editor, tap the icon next to the perspective name, scroll down and hit Use Image from Clipboard.
- Alternatively, if you're on an iPad in Split View, icons from this site can be dragged to anywhere on the perspective editor.
- If you would also like the text color to match the icon, tap Color in the top right of the view, and make your choice.